New app: WoT Alert - Who is online playing World of Tanks?

Online multiplayer game videos and discussion
Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2019-4-30 16:55

I made a new free web app for checking who is online at the moment playing World of Tanks for finding platoon mates.
Who's online playing World of Tanks The app is available at

Let me know how if you like and report me all the bugs so I can get them fixed.



Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2019-6-13 10:45

We have released a new test version that is fixing the following known bugs:
  • Only the first 100 ungrouped contacts are listed due to the API limitations
  • Showing only ungrouped contacts and disregarding all grouped contacts
  • Up to 50% of all contacts are missing from the contact list
The new version has ascending and descending sorting of contacts by last seen, latest battle win-rate and it works as a standalone mobile app.

Welcome to test Who is online playing World of Tanks!

Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2019-6-16 17:05

Thank you for everyone who helped with the testing and gave ideas! The test version has been released: Who is online playing World of Tanks?

Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2019-6-30 18:47

The new version is ready for testing:

  • Converted PHP code to Javascript
  • added an installer
  • added web storage support for storing settings and statistics persistently
  • added update functionality, which will check if you want to update when an update is available
  • made all files local
  • added source code download
Here is how the new version looks like:

Please report bugs and improvement proposals to this thread. Thank you and enjoy!


Unread post by Heiditab » 2019-9-9 23:42

Hello, I'm new here, my name is Heidi. Is it a right place to introduce myself?

Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2020-2-1 12:36

The new version is ready and published: Image Thank you for everyone who tested it, submitted bug reports and gave improvement proposals! There are no known unfixed issues left and all the following requested new features that were left out will be considered in the future versions:
  • Save main page continue connection alert response to persistent settings in the browser storage
  • Show clan names, clan ratings, and the average tier of the latest battles
  • Sort players by name
  • Link nicknames to player profiles at the World of Tanks website
  • Add automated review & rating to the app

Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2021-4-16 14:21

I have updated WoT Alert.
  • "Error 504: SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE". This error happens due to timeouts on Wargaming servers. Earlier it was handled by resetting the connection and clearing all browser data. Now the error is reported in console log (in debug mode), ignored and retried after the next refresh interval.
  • Resized graphics to 380px width. The app will fit now better to smart phone with small screens.
  • Changed in the interface the following terms
    • Last -> Seen (the last time when user has interacted with wargaming servers or website)
    • Latest -> Battle (the last time when user had a battle in the game)
For more information and to use this free app, visit WoT Alert - Who is online playing World of Tanks.
Image Image Image Thank you for your donations!


Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2021-6-9 13:50

Image Changelog 2021-6-9
  • Wargaming access tokens expire every 2 weeks. Added automatic access token renewal before it expires.
  • Added ignore option to all error messages. Sometimes WG servers are throwing random and temporary access errors. Earlier the connection was reset and statistics deleted. Now you can ignore the error and let the app retry connecting in the next refresh cycle.
  • Fixed minor bugs including the one that limited the initial showing of contacts to 4-5 before the first refresh if the connection was resumed or page refreshed/reloaded.
  • Resized graphics further to fit 340px wide smart phone screens. Now it should work in all smart phones out-of-the-box without zooming or scaling.
If you are having troubles installing the update, clear your browser cache (reload page ctrl-shift-R and if that does not help, search for browser specific instructions). On android mobile phone with chrome, you can view the app on desktop mode to force the update and then return back to the mobile. Let me know if you encounter problems and I'll do my best to help you.



Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2021-6-24 04:39

Changelog 2021-6-24
  • Changed automatic access token renewal to happen daily instead of every 12 days. Because the update was left so late and checked only once a day, renewal often failed before the access token expired after 14 days,
  • With smartphone the info dialog (old welcome dialog, opened pressing the i-icon on the bottom left corner) was often empty and did not update properly.
Thank you for reporting me bugs!


Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2021-8-28 16:23

Added a QR code for easy web app installation on Android smart phones and devices using Chrome web browser. You can easily install the web app on your Android smart phone by scanning this QR code:
Image Please note that using the web app does not require installing it. You can simply open and start using it at

Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2023-5-10 17:22

Timeouts occur more and more frequently on WG servers. This caused the app to stop every time with an error message and wait for input from user, and after ignoring the error reloading the app.

To fix this, I removed the error message of the SOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE timeout error 504. When the error occurs, one refresh cycle is skipped and the app continues to work witout modal error message stopping the execution.

The latest update is now available and online at WoT Alert - Who Is Online Playing World of Tanks (



Posts: 319
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2024-5-12 13:59

Changed the app to our own hosting after Dreamhost messed up their hosting and SSL certificate renewal, and the app was down a few weeks. Sorry for the service interruption. If something like that happens in future, please let me know so I know to fix it right away. Thank you!

Happy gaming,
