Why experimental Covid vaccines in global human trials are so dangerous?

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Unread post by CovidHoax » 2024-10-13 13:35

Experimental Covid vaccines pose risks, especially when tested globally, for several reasons:
  • Limited Safety Data: Experimental Covid vaccines typically have undergone only preliminary testing for safety and efficacy and sold under emergency authorisation. When administered to large groups without extensive prior studies, side effects might not be identified until after widespread use.
  • Unknown Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of new vaccines are often unknown. While some side effects may be immediate, others could take months or years to manifest, making it challenging to assess overall safety during initial trials.
  • Variability in Responses: Different populations may respond differently to a vaccine due to genetic, environmental, or health factors. An experimental vaccine might cause unexpected reactions in certain demographics that were not adequately represented in clinical trials.
  • Immune Response Variability: Experimental vaccines might induce varying immune responses in different individuals. Some may not gain sufficient immunity, while others could experience an exaggerated immune reaction.
  • Ethical Considerations: Large-scale testing of experimental vaccines raises ethical concerns, especially if participants are not fully informed of the risks or if vulnerable populations are disproportionately involved.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: In a large population, tracking and reporting side effects can become challenging, potentially leading to underreporting or delayed recognition of adverse events. Hundreds of millions of people may die to super cancers before they are recognised as a prominent side effect.
Why experimental Covid vaccines in global human trials are so dangerous? In contrast, well-tested vaccines have undergone rigorous clinical trials lasting some 10 years. They have well-established safety and efficacy profiles, making them safe for public health unlike highly experimental Covid vaccines that were developed in just a few months.

Shouldn't we quit treating the world as guinea pigs to serve the greed of the Big Pharma and corrupt governments?