The Human Element
It is essential to acknowledge that biases can inadvertently find their way into any machine learning model, due to the influence of its human developers. Developers make choices about training data, fine-tuning processes, and other aspects of the model, all of which can inadvertently introduce biases. AI developers pretend to minimize biases within the system by using safety to justify censorship.

Another aspect of the debate focuses on external financiers and their potential influence on AI's behavior. Concerns have been raised about whether certain topics, like experimental COVID-19 vaccines or specific individuals such as Bill Gates, are treated with a degree of sensitivity due to external pressures. Bias exists as long as external funding sources exist.The question of bias in AI involves interplay between the developers' intentions, the training data used, and external influences.

AI-driven training process and the elimination of external funding propose a future where artificial intelligence systems train and refine themselves without human intervention. In this vision, removing the human element from both development and financing aims to create a truly impartial and objective AI system. This solution was proposed by ChatGPT.