Instruction how to sit together on good seats free of charge
How to play the systems and get good seats side by side without paying extra? Simply do the checkin as late as possible. In the process you will be offered to buy seats. Take a screenshot of the seat map and you have a list of free seats with you when you enter the airplane. Then you just pick up the empty seats you want and that’s it.
If the flight is half empty, nobody really cares where people sit. If the flight is almost full, most likely the expensive seats with extra leg room are left. If you are very unlucky and someone booked the seat you selected, just admit your mistake, apologise and take another seat. Seats are not checked unless there is a problem.
Other ways to exploit Ryanair
- Wear your clothes and put your stuff to pockets to avoid paying extra luggage fees.
- With hand luggage size matters, not weight. They weight only checked-in luggage, not cabin luggage.
- Don’t pay for priority boarding as there is no priority in boarding. Just board when you want, walk faster and take over others if you want to enter earlier, and disregard announcements.
- If you take seats with extra leg room, you must anyway put your stuff to overhead locker. If you don’t, put it there anyway. It’s more comfortable not to share your tiny seat with luggage. Everyone is doing that and nobody can check it. Be early in the airplane to get enough overhead space for all of your stuff.

Happy travels,