- App name: Mes Comptes BNP Paribas
- Versions 4.31.0 and 4.31.1
- App ID: net.bnpparibas.mescomptes
Erreur lors du chargement de la transaction. "81"

Web page not available
The web page https://w-services.bnpparibas.net/mobil ... rc=webview could not be loaded because:

On Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 19:34 paris_bddf_support_mobile@bnpparibas.com wrote: 81 error is due to a rooted android phone
This was strange, because the phone is not rooted. After uninstalling and reinstalling the app, I got a different error messages claiming that the digital key was already used in another phone when it actually had been used in that very same phone only, and when I tried to re-validate the digital key by SMS, I got a new error "Une erreur inattendue est servenue" meaning that there was an unexpected error.On Mon, 29 Mar 2021, 18:48 paris_bddf_support_mobile@bnpparibas.com wrote: we used a library to protect your bank account of the fraud. This lib was a black box, i don't have all the cases that can launch a 81 error (security pb).
After taking the following steps the app started to work again and re-activate the digital key:
- contact paris_bddf_support_mobile@bnpparibas.com and ask them to revoke your digital key
- uninstall the app and reboot your phone
- re-install the app and reboot your phone
- make sure the app has at least the following permissions: Contacts, Location, Storage and Telephone
- login to the app, go to your profile and activate digital key using SMS (follow the instructions BNP gave you)
While following the steps, simply reboot the phone if you get following error message:
Une erreur est survenue lors de cette opération. "-10"

Happy hacking,