SOLVED: RainPoint Automatic Indoor Watering System Is Not Working

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Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2024-5-26 07:25

If you have installed RainPoint Automatic Watering System (B0CGRBK871 / ITP106), turn it on and hear only quiet hum from the motor but no water is flowing, you need to prime the water pump before it starts working. Simply de-attach the inlet pipe, suck it so that it is filled with water, and attach it back to the pump. This same procedure is required by all water pumps. RainPoint is not mentioning this in their instructions or FAQ. SOLVED: RainPoint Automatic Watering Indoor Watering System Not Working A few tips for using the system to save your home from flooding and to keep your green friends happy:
  • Place all connectors and valves inside pots or water buckets because they all leak no matter what you do.
  • Do you try to water too many plants too far away from each other, 4 worked OK within 1 meter/2 feet range.
  • Test your system before travelling including correct amount of water for each plant, watering frequency and system reliability (unplug USB power and see that batteries work and settings are not reset).
  • Calculate that there is enough water in the water source for the whole time, and if you are away more than one week, use batteries only as backup and connect to USB power supply.
Happy travels,
