If you have deleted Photos Library using Finder and it was placed in Trash bin, the Photoslibrary keeps appearing to your trash bin after you empty it. Also, when you empty trash bin it does not finish properly and emptying the trash bin takes forever. You will see this dialogue for a long time:

To fix the problem, you need to use console and first move the Photos Library out of the trash bin:
Code: Select all
mv .Trash/Photos\ Library.photoslibrary .
After that you can delete it permanently without involving broken trash bin:
Code: Select all
rm -rf Photos\ Library.photoslibrary
To finish the fix, boot your computer. There might be also some other system files that get your trash bin stuck. You can check them from
.Trash directory located in your home directory:
The bug is in the graphical user interface and therefore it can not be fixed without using console and command line. This issue is present at least in MacOS Ventura (13) and Sonoma (14).
Happy hacking,