Hi Tony,
You don't need both of these verifying options. Just one is enough:
Webroot -w ~/www
DNS --dns dns_gd
If you have a .htaccess with redirects, then DNS is better. Otherwise you need to add the following exception to your .htaccess redirects
Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^.well-known/ - [L,NC]
Also don't forget to export GD_Key and GD_Secret before using the DNS option.
After issuing certificate you need to deploy it:
Code: Select all
acme.sh --deploy -d example.com --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi
Cron job will be added automatically. Just make sure your email address is correctly added to cpanel to make sure cron output is sent to you by email. This way you will get an error email if renew fails.
In general if things go wrong, you will get an error message. Otherwise everything is fine.