Don't Enable HTTPS On Custom Domain In Blogger Blog

Questions and discussion about web design, search engine optimisation and hosting
Posts: 332
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Unread post by Santeri » 2017-7-8 05:37

How To Migrate From HTTP To HTTPS On Blogger Blog With Custom Domains?
Finally, the trick is revealed to enable the HTTPS SSL certificates on your Blogger blog using a custom domain, we have a trick to get free SSL certificates.
Too good to be true? Absolutely. Whenever you see SEO and India in the same sentence, think twice.

There "instructions" for migrating blogger blogs with custom domains from http to https are written by Indian SEO experts who promise it will make your blog secured, faster and look more professional, protect you from hackers, and
your blog’s ranking in Google and other search engines will improve.
Bold claims especially when
  • all urls in blogger feeds (including sitemap) remain http instead of https
  • those hacks remove all of your meta tags including description and open graph
Thanks to these "improvements", search engines will endlessly redirect from http to https because of the broken sitemap and eventually the blog will be excluded. Thanks to the missing meta tags sharing posts in social media works no longer either. Such setbacks outweigh all the claimed benefits.

The funny thing is that those SEO experts keep scraping defunct instructions from each other trying to sell their expert services for making the migration, and for fixing your blog after you have messed it up by following their instructions.


I was considering to do that but not anymore. It's very bad idea. Only Google can fix blogger to support https properly with custom domains.

P.S. Don't bother posting any critical questions or comments to their websites as they will be censored.
Last edited by Santeri on 2017-9-3 06:51, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 332
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2017-8-5 10:33

Today I saw one more scraped blog convincing people to mess up their blogs promising SSL support for custom domains in Google Blogger.

All of the following people are distributing knowingly defunct hacks. I have left a comment telling that to each blog. These Indian guys keep encouraging people to break their blogs hoping to sell them consultation to fix the problem they caused. According to the blog comments, dozens of bloggers have successfully broken their blogs some of them suffering financial losses.

Here is the current list of scrapers:

Mr. Vinay Prajapati WordPress SSL blog:

Mr. PRINCE JOHN OKOSUN (an alias of Mr. Prajjwal Rajput) broken Blogger SSL blog:

Mr. Prajjwal Rajput WordPress non-SSL blog:

Mr. Shivansh Verma Blogger non-SSL blog:

And the original culprit, Cloudflare, from whom they all have scraped this great invention:

Please let me know if you find others and I will add them to this hall of shame.

Once more: Google BLOGGER DOES NOT SUPPORT SSL FOR CUSTOM DOMAINS and it is not possible to make it by yourself. Ask Google to make it if you want it, they are the only one who can make it.

Posts: 332
Joined: 2017-7-5 09:58

Unread post by Santeri » 2018-3-28 04:32

Google has finally made https support for blogger and it works! They use the free letsencrypt certs. If you enable https for your custom domain name from HTTPS Availability, wait until it actually starts working. There can be a delay of a few hours before HTTPS starts to work. Test that the HTTPS really has started to work before enabling HTTPS Redirect.


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Joined: 2018-7-25 16:59

Unread post by harish00000 » 2018-7-25 17:10

Here is a step-by-step guide on How to enable HTTPS on blogger blog for custom domain: [url][/url]
I hope you love! 8-)


Unread post by perfectnews » 2020-8-7 09:15

Enabling a HTTPS adds security to your blogs , I have tried to do that with my blogs always, it builds up a trust factor among the visitors. Here is one of my blogs

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Unread post by palanivelraja » 2021-6-20 16:17

Its very important to enable SSL and it must help [url=]SEO[/url] to Rank well

Posts: 1
Joined: 2021-10-7 12:53

Unread post by ClairePeters » 2021-10-10 14:21

Guys your links don't work