Dreamhost uptime guarantee is a scam. They promise to credit you one day of hosting for each one hour of downtime up to 10% of the total next payment, but the catch is that you must open manually a support ticket when the downtime starts to get credit. Although these downtimes happen pretty often and last usually at least an hour or two, you got to be really lucky to report that.
Last night their service was down 2 hours because of high load (over 100) while I was sleeping meaning no "downtime" and no credit:
So far I have designed websites and configured hosting services using over a dozen different companies all over the world and I haven't really had similar problem with any of them so this is all new for me. Have you had similar issues with your hosting and how did you deal with them?
Dreamhost high load issues and useless uptime guarantee
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 2018-11-14 11:19
There are better hosting providers out there than Dreamhost. You can Cloudways php website hosting that provides managed servers on cloud. You get great performance and security.